A Major Artery in the County: Interstate 25

Looking north from the bridge over Exit 49, the southernmost of the three Walsenburg exits on Interstate 25.

Interstate 25 runs north-south through Huerfano county, dividing the county not in half — but with two-thirds of the county to the west and one-third to the east.

The freeway, with the Huerfano County portion finished in the mid-1960s, connects the county with the rest of the country, and indeed, to the rest of the hemisphere, as it's a part of the Pan-American Highway.

Standing on a bridge and watching the traffic, one gets a sense of the importance of fossil fuel-enabled transportation to commerce, to human relationships, to learning, and to government.

I'm glad the freeway is on the edge of Walsenburg rather than in the middle of it, as is the case with many towns and interstates.

I like that some (most) off-ramps in the county lead almost immediately to dirt roads. 


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